Our team is comprised of unpaid volunteers who are committed to raising awareness of the veteran suicide crisis and bringing the number of veteran suicides to zero … even if it means saving one life at a time. These volunteers draw on a wealth of experience from their military service as well as their diverse industrial backgrounds in keeping Save A Vet Now focused on its mission of raising awareness, connecting with veterans, and supporting the SAVN Veterans Outreach Program at Coastal Horizons.
Tony Vivaldi
Veteran U.S. Air Force
Brig. Gen. Robert S. Cooley, Jr.
Military Liaison Consultant
U.S. Army Retired
Bill Kawczynski
Director, Military Affairs
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Veteran, U.S. Marine Corps
Bill Kozel
Organizational Development Consultant
Veteran U.S. Navy
Felipe Nieves, PMP
Chief Information Security Officer
Veteran U.S. Marine Corps
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We at Save A Vet Now extend a heartfelt thank you to those who give their valuable time and generous donations. We all believe that every life is precious … what better way to express that sentiment than through this worthy cause.